Monday, November 21, 2011

Ways to Properly Plant a Tree

TREES are quite essential to the environment.  For the most reason, it gives much oxygen levels in the atmosphere.  Trees or plants can also beautify your home.  And according to, trees around your house can increase your property value by more than 15 percent and improve your odds of a sale.  Another thing also is that trees can decrease carbon dioxide and improve water quality and reduce erosion.
Planting a tree is not quite an easy one.  There things to consider.  Planting a tree the right way involves six basic steps:
1.      Dig a wide rough-sided hole 
2.      Run a "perk test" for drainage
3.      Prepare the root ball
4.      Set the root ball in the hole with backfilled soil
5.      Settle the soil with water
6.      Mulch the surface


“You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own.  And you know what you know.  You are the person who’ll decide where to go.”  Dr. Seuss

I know not many of you like the idea of staying single in life.  But for me, I love being single.  It’s not being selfish but I like the idea of giving myself more time especially when I have to do big decisions in life.  Actually I have here my reasons why I love being single and unattached.  Here it is:

1.      FOOD
               I can have my own choice of meal any time of day.  And I can choose what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner and where to eat my meals.
2.  BED
              I don’t have any problem in sharing the bed and which side of the bed to sleep.

3.      FACEBOOK.
Single life makes you have more time Facebook-ing with less drama.

4.     HABITS.
Being single really frees me from tolerating a partner’s annoying habits.  For example, snoring all night in sleep.  A single person like me doesn’t have to listen to someone snore all night.   Being single gives my patience to rest and makes me live in a non-frustrating environment.  The only disgusting habits are my own.

5.      FRIENDS.
I can be with my friends most of the time.  Not like when you’re married that there’s less time to be with friends.

                Above all, one reason I love being single is I am FREE, and I can FOCUS much on my career, education and goals in life.  I have more time to improve myself and be a better person.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Bored today….I remember my collection of jokes I read few months ago.  And I guess posting it here can somehow relieves this boredom now.  How I'd like to post my written articles this time but it needs much editing so... here's  among my collection of jokes.  Hope you enjoy reading.  :-D

1.   A  WOODY  JOKE:

                                         What WOOD happen...
                if you had a "WOODEN" car,
                  with "WOODEN " seats,
                "WOODEN" tyres, and a
                  "WOODEN" engine?
                IT "WOODN'T  start..!  :-D

     MOTHER:  son, why are you so dirty?
     SON :    have you noticed the H2O drainage outside our
     MOTHER:  Yes, I noticed.  But why?
     SON :    Me, I didn't noticed it.  =(  That's why I


     Conversations of an old man and woman who were having
           breakfast, One morning...

     Old woman:  You know what?  Even in our age today, I
                really feel hot.

    Old man:  tsk tsk tsk ...your breast was on your cup
              of coffee.  That's the reason I guess...


     A wife asked her husband to describe her:

    Husband:  you are  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, I, J, K
    Wife:     what does that mean?
    Husband:  Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful,
                  Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot!
    Wife:     Oh, that's so lovely! what about I J K?
    Husband:  I'm Just Kidding!!! hehehehe


    Son:  Lord, please.  Have mercy! Jose Rizal killed 
                  Magellan.  Make it right for me.

    His father heard him, asked:
    Father:  why son?
    Son:  Coz dad that was my answer in the exam...hehehe


    A mom calling her son...

    Mom: Are you coming home? Where are you now ?
    Son:  I’m in the hospital,  mom.

    His mom cried " what happened to you?"
    Son:   Mom! Heller!  I’m still on duty.  I’m a nurse you remember?


"DUE CARE" is an act of making someone feel comfortable or happy...

example: You always make me laugh, DUE CARE kaayo ka!!! hahaha ;-)

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I’m quite excited!  For this weekend, October 29-30, 2011 is the 5th Mindanao Bloggers Summit (“One Green Mindanao”) to be held in Celadon Pension House Conference Room.

I’m joining the Mindanao Bloggers Summit in Iligan City because it’s quite related to my current work which is blogging.  Besides, it’s been years now I haven’t had attended seminars like this.  How I’d love to know & learn something new as well as actively participate in a seminar on living sustainably and healthy in these times.  Moreover, joining the MBS5 gets me a chance to meet other bloggers across the country (Luzon, Visayas, & Mindanao). It would be great to meet them and bond with them knowing IBS invites 100 participants from different parts of the country.  And top of it all it’s my pleasure to guide new friends along on a city tour, 2nd day of this event in my hometown.

Co-presentor of this event is GLOBE TELECOM.  And with their latest innovation, Globe Squish App, you’ll never miss the chance with everyoneSquish is a one-stop message, chat, update, and gaming application available for every internet-enabled handset, may it be Java, Android, Symbian, iPhone or BlackBerry, giving them easy access to chat and online messaging, social networking, and mobile entertainment via a single interface.
As a blogger, Globe Squish App is quite useful since I can bring together my friends and online activities from different sites in one interface.  Its four interactive tabs found on the app’s interface are : CHAT, UPDATE, SERVICE, & ME.  To download the application, text SQUISH to 2910 and download the link you will receive via SMS. You can also visit the m.globe portal at on your mobile phone to get the Squish app. Once in the site, look for the download link for SQUISH under the What’s On category. After download, you will be issued a Squish PIN, a unique number which you can share among your friends who also use the social app to add you so that you can form your very own Squish circle.

So what are you waiting for everyone?  Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance of learning new ideas and meeting new faces in this valuable event.  Join 5th Mindanao Bloggers Summit!  I'm gonna be there for sure.  =)

Monday, October 10, 2011

HANNAH TRIGWELL----My Favorite Artist

Hannah Trigwell is my favorite artist these times.  She's so cooL, she had the perfect whole package doing some versions of her own of top hits music.  She also had her own original music.  I bet there'll come a time she'll become popular in her own style of music.  I really like her!


Hannah Trigwell was born 28th of October 1990, in Leeds, West Yorkshire.  She started her musical career at the age of seventeen & took to the streets of Leeds to play her music for anyone that cared to stop and listen.  Now, just 20, she has gone on to amass thousands of fans all around the world.

An English singer-songwriter, Hannah has released two EPs containing original material. Her debut EP 'Hold My Heart' was released in May 2010 and the follow up, 'Not Enough' was released in August 2011.


I got this from twitter this day :  If you like Hannah Trigwell also, why not click the the subscribe button for Hannah's Official Youtube Channel?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Though I've never been there, I can relate to this song. "Best Days of Your Life" is an up-tempo country pop song. The song is about a former boyfriend who cheated on the girl and is going to get married and build a family with the his lover. Although, she wishes them to be happy and have a nice life, the girl says that he's already had the best days of his life with her (the narrator), and his new lover can never top it.
She also feels sorry for his new girlfriend, because she has the concept that a cheater will always be a cheater, and while she is getting the prizes of her future, all the lover gets is the cheater boyfriend. Here's the music video and the lyrics. Enjoy!

'Cause I'll be there in the back of your mind
From the day we met till you were making me cry
And it's just too bad you've already had the best days
The best days of your life

Ain't it a shame
A shame that every time you hear my name
Brought up in a casual conversation
You can't think straight?

And ain't it sad
You can't forget about what we had
Take a look at her and do you like what you see
Or do you wish it was me?

I'll be there in the back of your mind
From the day we met to the very last night
And it's just too bad you've already had the best days
The best days of your life

And does she know
Know about the times you used to hold me
Wrapped me in your arms and how you told me
I'd be the only one?

I heard about
Yeah, someone told me once when you were out
She went a little crazy, ran her mouth about me
Ain't jealousy funny?

'Cause I'll be there in the back of your mind
[ From:]
From the day we met to the very last night
And it's just too bad you've already had the best days
The best days of your

Life with me was a fairytale love
I was head over heels till you threw away us
And it's just too bad you've already had the best days
The best days of your life

I heard you're gonna get married, have a nice little family
Live out my dreams with someone new
But I've been told that a cheater is always a cheater
So I've got my pride and she's got you

'Cause I'll be there in the back of your mind
From the day we met till you were making me cry
And it's just too bad you've already had the best days
The best days of your life

Of your life, oh, oh yeah
You're gonna think of me
You're gonna think of me in your life
Oh, oh yeah

It's a shame, it's a shame
It's a shame, it's a shame
It's a shame, it's a shame

Fruit & Veggie Salad

Because I ate too much meat that I thought of mix fruits and vegetables for a change.  This one is quite nutritional for sure.  It really boost one's  appetite.  Eating them raw and fresh is really awesome!  I hope you all  like it, too!  Here it is how to prepare a delicious salad of mine.  Enjoy! (my apology I forgot to include an image of the recipe)


3 pcs.  Apple
1 pc.   Pineapple (small size) 
2 pcs. Carrots
1 pc    Bitter Gourd (Ampalaya)
2 pcs. Mexican turnip ( Singkamas)
3 pcs. Cucumber  (Pepino)
Lemon juice extracted from 500 pcs (maximum) of lemons
3 Tablespoons  Sugar


1.  Slice all fruits and vegetables into small cubes except bitter gourd wherein it should be long, slanting  ( or you can slice it any way you want to).
2.  Place them, mixed in a salad bowl.  Set aside.
3.  Mix lemon juice and sugar. Stir to taste ( sweet sour).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carmen Rasmusen - Nothin' Like The Summer

A firefly glowin' on my left hand
Used to pretend it was a weddin' band
A tall cool glass of Mama's lemonade
Sold from a stand that me and my sister made
We'd count our quarters in the shade
Underneath a tree

2nd Verse

The boys in the clubhouse are right next door
Playin' cops and robbers and the Civil War
We'd all meet up at the swimmin' hole
With marshmellow sticks and our homemade fishin' poles
And the stars would guide us home
Oh, those sweet memories


(Well) I love those summer days
Driftin' on by like a slow parade
And everything feels fine in the warm sunshine
When your world unwinds
And 'ya kick back in your flip-flops
And 'ya don't care about the tick-tock
And the world is full of music, dreams, and lovers
There ain't nothin' like the summer
(I love those summer days)
There ain't nothin' like the summer
(I love those summer days)
(I love those summer days)

3rd Verse

A blue-eyed boy with the baseball tan
On the ferris wheel he takes my hand
Long, slow dance underneath the moon
Prayin' so hard that the night won't end too soon
He whispers, 'I love you'
And I melt into his arms

(Repeat Chorus)


The sun goes down, and the barbecue's lit
The radio's playin' that summer hit
We all wish these days would last forever

I like this song.  =)

Spaghetti Carbonara in Parmesan Cheese

Spaghetti Carbonara is a classic dish that combines bacon with noodles, an egg mixture and a delicious wine sauce. The Parmesan cheese is an important ingredient. It is because of the flavor that it adds. Enjoy!

1 kilo spaghetti
1 tablespoon olive oil
8 slices bacon (diced)
1/4 ground pork
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion (chopped)
1 garlic clove (minced)
¼ cup white wine
4 eggs
½ cup grated parmesan cheese
salt and pepper (to taste)
2 tablespoons fresh parsley (chopped)
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese

Cooking Instructions:

Step 1: In a small bowl combine eggs, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Mix well and set aside. Cook noodles according to package directions.

Step 2: While noodles are coking. In a medium skillet over medium heat cook bacon until slightly crispy. Remove from the pan and drain on paper towels. Leave about 2 tablespoons of bacon fat in the pan and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add garlic , chopped onion and ground pork, and cook until the onion is tender. Add wine and cook for another minute.

Step 3: Drain noodles when they are finished cooking and put into a large serving dish. While the noodles are still very hot toss them with the parmesan/egg mixture. Then add the ground pork , onion and wine mixture and toss well to coat. Then add bacon and toss again. Top with parsley and additional parmesan cheese for serving.
(Makes 6 Servings)