Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"safeguard your heart"

Heart is like a glass, very fragile.  It also resembles a mirror for when it is broken, even if the pieces were back together, it can never be the same again.

Sometimes, we are challenged in our chosen journey.  We came to know a friend of the opposite sex who really understands you, who you can talk with anything.  You tell your spouse " We're just friends" when at some point,he/she were privy to your lingering conversations.  Likely, the friendship that has built had become too close and you need to address the situation.

It happens to anyone of us at anytime. And there are a plenty of reasons why such things happen.  One obvious reason is vulnerability.  Vulnerability of attention to someone else appears to a situation when a spouse avoids talking about certain issues. Besides, at times the feeling of neglect or unappreciated.

"Safeguard your heart, the bible says.

It is quite true that developing romantic attachment, when you are already married is subversive.   When there's a problem to solve, always remember of the commitment you and your spouse had.  Sending out clear signals that you are already committed to someone significant in your life should mean always wearing your wedding ring.  Also by  keeping pictures of your spouse/ family in your work and even just in your wallet is another way.

A person should decide what he/she will not tolerate when it comes to behaviour with the opposite sex.  For example, talking about marital problems to opposite sex and going out for drinks with them is quite not appropriate.

A person should not become too close to a member of the opposite sex.  He/she must stand up for a committed relationship and take steps to protect your marriage.

And one important thing is PRAYER.  Prayers keep us patient and strong in times of tribulation.

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